Every time I think I couldn't be more charmed by my new home and island and whole province I am proved wrong.
We had a wonderful full busy wonderful weekend this weekend. This is mostly a picture post :)
Cruise ship lights. |
Niko and Adam came over on the Ferry on Friday around noon. I picked them up, let them drop their stuff at our house and whisked them off to see the cutest neighborhoods in Victoria so they could get an idea of some great neighborhoods to live in if they move over to the island. I was able to drive them all over my favorite parts of Vic without having to look at a map at all. That was very exciting. Later that night we made supper here after Rob got home from work and we took them on a night time drive to see some of the pretty lights.
The next day we left some transit info and a list of things for Niko and Adam to see while we headed over to Vancouver (really really really early, 7 am Ferry) for the day so I could go to my very first BC rehearsal ever. I was so excited to not only see Brian, but for us to be back at the rehearsal table together. The
Home Free bunch are absolutely lovely and I am very excited to be joining this team for the next few months. Sitting down to work with them I was struck by the feeling that I had already known them for years which was a very startling feeling. I am constantly overwhelmed here by how
right everything feels. As though I have silently slipped into life here after merely being away for some time.

After rehearsal Rob and I had a chance to have our first ever day time Vancouver date. Usually he is at work if we are there during the day so we have only ever wandered around the city at night or on a dash back to the Ferry. We walked down Robson while I oohed and awed at all of the stores and dragged Rob into a few home decor stores and then after discovering the Blenz iced belgian chocolate drink... actual chocolate on ice, like drinking a fudgesicle, so amazing... we sat on a park bench in Stanley Park for a while just enjoying the Sea Wall and the heat.
Then after a loooooong wait for the public washroom in Stanley Park we realized we were going to be late to meet ....
My Best Friend! In Vancouver! We didn't have a ton of time, but we got to eat a quick supper with her downtown before running to get on public transit back to the last Ferry of the night. But the amazing thing about best friends like this is the cliff notes version is all you really need to be totally caught up... I do so wish it was longer though.. Next time. We met her and her sister, brother-in-law and their little one at White Spot and it amazed me how it doesn't matter where you are or who's around you when you find your friends and family, you are immediately home.
We just made it to the last Ferry which got us home around 11:30 PM where our lovely guests were waiting to tell us about their adventures (or at least Niko did on his way by to brush his teeth) and then we collapsed into bed, what a whirlwind day.

The next morning we all slept in. When we were finally ready to go we took Nico and Adam for brunch at this great motor inn diner (
Paul's Motor Inn) that is a bit of a Victoria staple (Rob's mom worked their when she was a teenager... possibly alongside some of the waitresses that are still there). And then we set out on a road trip adventure to Chemainus where I had interviewed to Stage Manage this summer. It is a pretty little tourist town on the sea with a pretty little Festival Theatre.
We stopped for Saskatoon Berries along the way at a Saskatoon Berry farm on the island.
Made sure Nico and Adam got to try the most amazing Island delicacy... Ice Cream Sandwhiches from
Cold Comfort. Seriously, go to this amazing lady's website and check out her flavour journal. Unbelievable. And because she makes them all in small batches and distributes them to the stores that are carrying them, you never know what flavour might be there when you go.
So far Rob and I have tried:
- The Blondie
- Pepita Hot Chocolate
- Cidre Pomona
- Raspberry Rose
- Rosemary and Sour Cherry
- Carrot Cake
and some that I don't think are even listed in her journal yet. If you come visit, don't worry, we will make sure you have an ice cream sandwhich...

And then we took them to the top of our world to see the whole city. Before we went home to the treat of Nico cooking us supper in our kitchen.
By then it was late but I still couldn't resist making a few Saskatoon Berry tarts for all of us before bed.

And today Ember is sad her new friends went home.
and I'm feeling a bit like a bum around the house. But at least I wrote this blog entry and since there was only a very little bit of cream left I felt obligated to make sure I finished it on some Saskatoon Berries with brown sugar... just like Grandma would have.
Now to get my hands on a Saskatoon Berry bush for our front yard....
Whew. I had more words than I thought.