Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A SKAMy Summer: The Recap.

And just like that, its fall. The flurry of activity it took to get here, and now we all just sink back into budgets and rain and statistics.

Although today the blue skies and fluffy clouds are trying to convince me it is warm outside, when in fact, today feels like the first clear sky cold crisp day of fall.

A Recap. This summer we currated and produced a festival with 16 performance companies. Rob and I's basement was a revolving door of friends come to stay as artists for Theatre SKAM. That was an overwhelmingly wonderful experience. Before I even had the time to count the money or play the bills from Bike Ride, Marcel was on his way home from our basement to Toronto and Jay was moving in to start rehearsals for Smalltown: A Pickup Musical.

SKAM got a truck. Then SKAM built that truck into a stage and 10 people performed a beautiful little play on the back of it.

We toured that play around parks for four days and then ran it for two weeks over at the Victoria High School, right beside The Belfry Theatre. And we partied.

We partied before the show opened.

We partied because the show opened.

Saskatoon Berry Pie
Rob and I threw a party at our house to wind down the run.

And then we partied when it closed. And the next day everyone went home and it was all over. It felt like summer ended right then and there. Another week went by and SKAM's summer staff went back to school. I took a week off to recover and here we are in a quiet office with the heaters on post CRD Operations Grant trying to sort out the mess that was left behind in the whirlwind.

It doesn't normally look like this, but there is some major storage reconfiguration going on back there.

Please don't call Work Safe. 

Now if you excuse me, if you need me, I will be under the pile of paper work on my desk.
(I apologize for a lame post that says much of everything I've said before)

But now that life feels routine again, I promise to be back more often
(yeah, yeah.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like total craziness!

    I miss your posts, so I take what I can get. Who cares if it's a recap? ;)
