In all of that, we did accomplish a lot in the past few weeks. We headed out the a different grocery store for a change the other weekend because it just started carrying our Cold Comfort ice cream sandwiches. Cold Comfort started out out of the back of Autumn's little electric car at events and slowly expanded into certain local grocery's carrying her products in their freezers, but most of those local groceries were not very convenient to our house. And then she opened up a headquarters housed by a local bakery, that is just across the Gorge from us. But if we go over there, we really are only going for ice cream sandwiches so we don't always think about it. So when I heard this week that The Root Cellar was now carrying Cold Comfort I was like "GROCERIES AND ICE CREAM SANDWICHES" ... Well that was just about as perfect as an Saturday could be.
I've also meant to check out The Root Cellar for a long time. There is a garden fresh market store out by Rob's parent's house, but that is almost a half hour away, so not convenient at all. And there are these adorable little neighborhood grocery stores in Victoria, but not in our neighbourhood, and not well stocked enough with our staples to warrant driving out to them (although, they carry Cold Comfort as well and whenever we are in the neighborhood we stop in).
Like Ice Cream Sandwiches. |
It was worth it, The Root Cellar is jam packed with produce, inside and outside! Our little Fairway Market is very good at selling local produce when in season, but I felt like the Root Cellar also provided more home grown products.
Cilantro, Russet Potatoes, Sunflower Sprouts |
For example, while this is all we were able to find local in the produce.
We also were able to get a lot of good stuff from Washington, which to us, is fairly local and you can tell they get that produce from independent farms in Washington, not a big producer, so that also feels like a win.
The flyer came after I started this post. See the local produce count? |
After that we finally got our family Photos hung in the hallway in the beautiful frame Amber got us for Christmas.
This isn't our family. They sure look nice on our wall though! You'll have to come visit to see the finished product. ;) |
And we planted our lemon tree!
Since then our life has dissolved back into its whirlwind of days in Vancouver and getting things ready for a four day weekend.
Amber's social worker friend came to visit from Prince Albert last weekend so we headed over to Vancouver for the day. Rob had shown Amber (who is also a social worker) East Hstings one day last fall and Cori wanted a chance to see it.
I spent some time in Chinatown while the walked around downtown Vancouver's Eastside (I've been on that walk and I'm not ignoring it, I just didn't feel that I needed to do it as a tourist again). I have been dying to look in all of the Chinatown bulk bins forever . Turns out not knowing what's inside the 100 or so bins in the store eventually becomes frustrating and not as fun as I thought :) and I ducked into a tea shop to wait, walking out with $20 worth of Chinese holistic tea! Good thing the crew phoned and we all met back up after that.
Rob has been over in Vancouver a lot for work (at least 2 nights a week) and since Matthew is on holiday and a lot of my work lately involves me just needing the focus to do it, and not so much needing to be at my desk, I went over there for two nights and worked from Rob's hotel room. So no meal plan this week.
And now its Easter Weekend! And we are starting our first big home owner project together. Painting the bedroom! So excited. We have so many plans for our bedroom and I feel like most of them start with the sentence, "once we paint the bedroom..."
We'e had the duvet cover since lat summer (I think I may have posted it?) and have kept it tucked away in a closet to use once everything matched. We've had it out a lot the past two weeks trying to pick paint colors and spreading it out along the bed with the chips taped to the wall.
Time to get to work! I will post before and after photos as soon as we finish. If you can't wait, check back here from time to tome to watch our progress on Instagram. And sometime this weekend I will also post the rest of the Swap into Spring photos. I loved getting through one cycle of wearing my new clothes and washing them and putting them away to become part of my wardrobe.
Oh wow, I'll have to try that Cold Comfort ice cream!
ReplyDeleteThe Root Cellar rules, I do all my produce shopping there. :)