Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Sorry everyone, I am busy living under my rehearsal rock. Which feels bizarre since I have been in a total of 4 rehearsals for this show that opens Saturday. But in that time we had the wonderful Samantha here for a week and I worked as a coordinated/camp counselor/shopper for this amazing kids fashion camp. Not to mention arranging for MY MOM to move to the coast.
Now I'm in full Fringe mode and will be getting up by myself in front of room full of people tonight to promote Home Free! I feel like the island is making me into this somewhat fearless shorts wearing woman that I didn't know I could be (still full of plenty of fear but I'm getting great at pretending. Maybe by the end of September I'll actually be able to take the #19 bus in Vancouver past East Hastings all by myself without wanting to cry).

In the mean time I want to thank my friend Dani for bringing me out from under my rock and making me aware of this.


Growing up with a feminist mother when I was young my rebellion was to declare that I WAS not a feminist. And then I met this amazing lady named Diana Relke at the U of S who taught me that being a feminist didn't have to be about not shaving your legs and wearing men's suits. That if I was proud to be a woman that was reason enough to be a "feminist".

And feminist or not our bodies are our own. As a victim of rape myself (by someone who claimed to love me no less) I stand in solidarity with these women.

1 comment:

  1. <3 Glad to have spread the strength/love/empowerment. <3
