Sunday, October 28, 2012

Idle Hands

I feel awful that I haven't been here as much as I had planned to be. I had hoped this new blog would be the perfect outlet for reflecting on what was going on in my new West Coast life... But it turns out, as Greg MacPherson aptly sung in one of my favorite songs ever (I'll add it to my "music" blog in the attempt to getting back on a song a week routine) "... we're the same collection of faults and accidents no matter where we are."

my ... fault? is that I can't be idle. To the point where if I am idle too long I will over compensate, resulting in over extending myself. Every time. I thought I would be different out west, with Rob's help and a new laid back attitude... and for a while I was. Just cooking and cleaning and sleeping and blogging... and then the idleness set in and (more by chance then actual design) *boom*... One minute the lovely Samantha was visiting and helping me harvest the garden

and the next...

I was working on two projects at once in two different cities.

So August and September were a flurry of shopping for supplies. Teaching kids how to sew in a crazy amazing week of Fashion Kamp with Theatre SKAM

(I suspect I will be coming back to this later... as Theatre SKAM has been and now will officially be playing a major part of my west coast life), 

and ferry ride after ferry ride to Vancouver and back in preparation for Home Free! at the Victoria Fringe, leading to another week of house guests and barbecues and flyering, and then doing it all again for most of September in Vancouver, where I spent an amazing couple of weeks being afraid and lonely and coming around to learn how to get around Vancouver on my own. Turning 30 in Davie Village and feeling the most grown up (and proud of myself) that I have ever felt.

And now I am in Saskatoon. And it feels very strange to be here and be homesick for everything out West at the same time. In some ways everything is exactly as I left it and in some it isn't at all. Maybe because I am not exactly as I left it. But its given me a better grasp of what is and will stay the most important to me "back home" now that I live far away. And I am so grateful for the time with the people that I had to leave behind... and the time to spend with (and get to know) the little ones.. who for 6 months is a life time.

... And now I promise to come back and break down some of these wonderful experiences for you... Including the one I am currently experiencing at Persephone Theatre with a beautiful script and a beautiful cast and a beautiful crew. If I have to be away for this long from my guy and my kitty, I couldn't have been given a better set of circumstances. <3