In all of our move ins and outs from our house, and my back and forth to Vancouver, I haven't been here at all. I am so so sorry (I hope the instagram's on the side of my blog have been keeping you up to date). One more time back to Vancouver tomorrow for a few days.... and then I will sit down to tell you all about it, and gush about how spoiled I am by everyone on this wonderful island and in Vancouver. The little family of people I have surrounded myself with (whether it be Rob's family, my new theatre network or old homesick Saskatchewan friends transplanted to the coast) have been more than I could have ever asked for when moving out here in May. I feel so so blessed every day by them.
I can tell you this, for now... In the almost two months since I've been here... We've had adventures all over the island with Samantha, we moved Mom into her own apartment down the street, we (and I say we because I would have never made it without Rob) opened a show in the Victoria Fringe and hosted some wonderful people from Vancouver, we moved Scotty into the basement, held two barbecues and I have been back and forth for over nights to Vancouver 3 times. In that time I learned how to get around Vancouver on my own (at least the places I need to be), I opened a show there, was reunited with my very best friend, (who I get to keep out here with me!!!). And I turned 30 walking down Davie street on my own at midnight, feeling more grown up under big city lights than I have ever felt in my life.
Here's to a million new adventures.
See you soon to tell you about the 1st 20 or so. ;)